Saturday, July 11, 2009

Thing 21 Podcasts and Vidcasts

Okay I have been flirting with Photostory for a couple of months now so I am glad to finally get a chance to really get down and dirty with the program. I went to a workshop at TLA on photostory and I really liked the idea of using this technology to make book reviews. I am definately going to do this for my schools. I think this is something I can create and then put on a loop to replay throughout the day so students can see it as they come to library. It is also something that can be easily shared on the library website and with teachers who can share them in the classroom. I am really excited about trying this. I have already choosen some books and I am in the drafting stages of my book reviews so I will be ready to create the film when the time comes.
I chose to use some of my photos from a trip last summer to create a video as I had them on hand on my computer. I haven't gathered any pictures yet for a book review but I wanted the experience of doing one for this project so I will know better what to do when it is for my school audiences.
So enjoy a video of some of the varied Lions of Europe.

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